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How to make sure your kids stay active during Summer

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Mott’s®. The opinions and text are all mine.

Summer break is here! The last day of school was about a week ago and since then, we have been looking for ways to keep our kids busy, entertained, but also active. I was born in Mexico and when I was a kid, we used to be outdoors playing with dirt, walking on trails, climbing on trees and just enjoying nature as much as we could. At least, that was the way I was raised, and that’s how I want my kids to spend their summer break and any free time they have. Making sure your kids stay active during summer is the goal for most moms.

For my husband and me, being outdoors and playing on the street with the kids from the neighborhood was a big thing growing up. No videogames, not so much TV time and of course, no laptops or cellphones. During the summer, we used to go fruit picking. Rivers and streams were other places we would spend time learning how to swim or just to play with the water. They were happy times and that’s what I want for my kids too.

How to make sure your kids stay active during summer?

1. Lead by example. If your kids see you enjoy being outdoors and being active, they will follow. Talking to them is not enough, remember the saying “monkey see, monkey do”. Find an activity you and your kids enjoy, being active doesn’t have to be boring or a chore.

2. Make your kids play outside at least 1 hour a day. I don’t think it’s bad if they watch tv or use any other electronic to entertain themselves, but there have to be limits. After hours being indoors just playing with videogames or watching movies, turn off the TV and other electronics and take your kids outdoors to play at least 1 hour a day. Ride the bike, walk through the neighborhood, play with the ball or chase your dog. The goal is to keep moving and have fun.

3. Wear comfy shoes and clothes. Kids need comfy clothes and shoes when moving. Activewear is the best. Choose clothes and shoes according to the weather and activity you are participating in. For walking and running, make sure they wear closed toe shoes and socks. When you are wearing the right clothes, playing is more fun.

4. Include your pet in the activities. We bought Bolillo (our Maltese dog) home about 7 months ago and since then, we’ve been changing and adjusting our routines to include him. We don’t want our dog to stay indoors. Pets, especially puppies, and kids need their daily dose of outdoor play. Having a dog at home makes you more active, and the kids happier. If you go to a park, make sure it’s pet friendly. Too bad he can’t go to the movies with us to watch “The Secret Life of Pets”.

Don’t forget to put a leash on your dog.

5. Find a new place to go. We love going to the park, and here in Peoria, Il, parks are just beautiful. We have our favorites, but once in awhile we try to find a new place to explore. Trails are fun too because they are in the woods and you get to see lots of vegetation, listen to the birds, and even watch animals like rabbits, squirrels and raccoons. Just try not to disturb them. This one in particular, reminds me so much of my hometown. My dad always enjoyed taking us outdoors to places like these and maybe that’s why I find the trails so pretty and make me feel a bit nostalgic.

6. Go grocery shopping with them. My girls are picky eaters, even with snacks, but I try to do my best and take them grocery shopping so they can choose their favorite food and snacks they want to eat at home or at the park. We recently went to Walmart and picked some Mott’s® Apple Juice and Mott’s Applesauce pouches. I like that Mott’s helps me teach my kids to make smart snack choices, and the products go really well with the grapes my youngest picked, and the strawberries we got on Sunday at the open market. Did I mention all the walking at the store?

The Mott’s Apple Juice 8oz 6 pk is our favorite size because it fits perfectly in the lunch box. 

There is a Mott’s  Apple Cherry  applesauce variety,  but my kids prefer the original Apple flavor.

7. Make it fun! Whether you go outside or stay indoors because of the weather, make sure to enjoy and have fun! Being active is not only about doing exercise, but also about having fun and spending time with your kids. It’s a nice bonding experience, and kids will associate being active with having fun, which means they will do it because they enjoy the activities.

8. Make it a family experience. I don’t know about you, but I love having fun with my kids. Yes, they sometimes drive me crazy, but when we are doing something fun or spending time outdoors, we really get to connect to each other. Quality time is very important as a family, and if you have to work all day, coming home to play and be active with your kids helps you release stress and feel happy. I want my kids to have a childhood as close to the one I had, and cherish these moments when they are older, the same way I do.

And you know what else we enjoy as a family? Going to the movies! I don’t remember the last time we went but I’m pretty sure the next movie we want to see is The Secret Life of Pets, and we are getting a ticket thanks to the purchase of Mott’s products!  

Aisles you can find eligible Mott’s products.

Yes, you read it right. We got our Mott’s Apple Juice and Applesauce because we needed snacks, but when we saw on the labels that we could get a free child’s movie ticket we felt lucky! If you purchase 3 of the Mott’s Apple Juice or Mott’s Applesauce products, you get a free ticket, but if you buy 5 products, you also get a $8 movie voucher.

The redemption process is so easy!

Going to the movies sounds like a great idea for a different activity during summer, because we know our kids already spend time playing right? I hope you enjoy your summer!

How do you make sure your kids stay active during summer?

¡Ayúdanos a compartir!


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